• Client: Rogers Collimore
  • Project Start: September 17, 2015
  • Project End: February 17, 2016
  • Company: Jackson Limited
  • Website:


Nullam facilisis sollicitudin lorem ac tincidunt. Vestibulum venenatis consectetur dolor, vel malesuada tellus. Proin venenatis at ex ac ornare. Vivamus turpis turpis, congue et feugiat maximus, ultricies et purus. Duis commodo feugiat erat, a tempus sapien accumsan vulputate. Praesent scelerisque diam eget convallis lacinia. In volutpat leo pharetra faucibus efficitur. Maecenas nisl nisl, interdum eget dui vestibulum, efficitur hendrerit erat. Proin suscipit orci et metus egestas, eget vestibulum erat elementum.

Praesent maximus erat laoreet ex pretium, sed accumsan metus vulputate. Donec nec commodo quam, quis mattis nunc. Nunc tincidunt, tortor a volutpat sollicitudin, quam ante efficitur orci, a rhoncus libero elit et nisl. Vivamus pulvinar lobortis lorem sit amet consectetur. Nulla facilisi.


“Great experience and craftsmanship! Our kitchen cabinets were made to fit perfectly with our newly remodeled kitchen and I am so happy with the extra storage and the beautiful look.”

Happy Customer

“Peter was great to work with. Clear communication made it easy for my wife and I know what we were going to expect. The final result… PERFECTION!”

Sam Hallal

“We needed the best contractor for our basement remodeling project and we loved Pete’s ideas for completing the bar and entertainment area. I appreciate the warmth of the wood finish and the execution of his woodworking skill.“

Bill Evans